Wednesday, August 31, 2011


I know the title is cheesy but its so true for those who know me understand. Since my last blog post many things have occurred but I am not going to put that all in this posting because seriously my life is crazy and should be a mini series.

Time flies truly when fun happens, when sorrow happens and whatever emotion you want to throw in before "_____ happens." Cancer however yes it happens it happens to great and wonderful people. I really hate what cancer has done to my mother. She is fifty-six years old, her memory is so shot from the Gama Knife treatments and since her battle with death last year that even her rationalism has been tossed out.

At thirty-five years old I really never thought that I would be taking care of my parents. I knew from the experience I had taking care of my grandmother's Alzheimer's (before the state stepped in) and my husbands grandmother's Alzheimer's that the brain cancer my mother had would do some damage. Well, I can truly say not everyone is the same after their brain is messed with. My mom has such a hard time keeping on track its crazy and annoying but I handle it. I just remind myself its not her fault, I have to remind my dad to watch what he says because she takes everything he says to heart, I have to constantly keep myself focused on the fact that she needs to be constantly updated because she forgets, and of course I BREATH.

I tell all my friends, family and my children's friends that they should always step back from a crazy situation and just remind themselves to breath. If we do not take that opportunity clarity will elude us and our minds wonder off into a voided space of insanity. Once our brains miss this lack of oxygen we say things we will not be able to take back. We sometimes remove ourselves from the situation totally and think that someone else will deal with the problem. However, the problem is still there because even thought it was avoided its still there. So its best just to take five to ten seconds of real time to just breath deep and let it all out. Tackle that problem like our government should tackle the deficit (lol)

Nonetheless, I breath a lot more now and never walk away. To many people walk away and just let go of what their responsibilities to their love ones medical problems. I can not walk away from my parents even though life growing up with dysfunction parents was horrible, I realized that they did the best they could with how they were taught to be parents by their parents. I realized that my parents could have never decided to be married and so forth if that had happened....I wouldn't be here. I love being a parent, I love my parents even more now because I was allowed to be a parent to my three kids.

So again I breath, for sanity, for clarity, for the sake of breathing and because it necessary to walk the path that has been laid before me. I may not always agree, be happy with decisions, be happy with other people and their reactions to our current problems but I just remember to do the right thing by standing by my parents. OH AND BREATH!!!!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

So Many People So Little of.....Me

If I could split myself into I truly would I love my family, my friends and all my wee animals. I find myself making a million mistakes or forgetting to say something when I should. My parents are going through so much and I don't think that I am doing enough for them. My children are pulling me in three different directions their friends are like my kids so I worry about them. My brothers, I wish I could be a better big sister and be there for them when they are backed into corners that they seem to never be able to get out of. My husband, its a love hate relationship I love that I can talk to him about anything I love that he is like me and speaks his mind straight from the hip. But there are sometimes duct tape, rope, a long job away, or just he needs time out like I do with my children. I am sure he feels the same about me as well. I have friends that are about the same age who are going through either tough times with work, family, or just general life which makes me want to know everything I can to help solve their problems. HAHA, have a bigger truck would help too, to haul all their miseries away. Let me not forget about all our animals, Noah how the heck did you do it intriguing minds want to know, seriously. Well its been a long day and a hot one at that so I am going to sign off with this....My arms are always open, my ears are waiting to listen and my heart is full of love for the loss yours might have.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Hot Days for the First Day of School

There seems to be no end in site to the heat wave we are having as of late. I keep wondering if the schools are prepared to cool thousands of kids heading back to school in the coming weeks. We have had problems in the past with rolling black outs do to extreme cold conditions they would keep the kids in the schools regardless of weather they could keep them warm. So what are they going to do when or if their AC's can not keep up with the rising heat.

I am going to just make sure I send water bottles with my kids to school and put ice packs in their lunch bags to give them some comfort in case they are put in a situation where they have to find away to keep themselves cool. I am not doubting my school district one bit that they can not provide a comfortable atmosphere cool wise for my kids its just with budget cut backs what are they having to sacrifice in order to keep our district running properly. We shall see and have faith that nothing crazy happens.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Needing a Place to Think

Today I learned that I needed a place where I could think or just let my thoughts ramble out of my head. So I started this blog to hopefully give all the stuff crashing in my brain a place other then inside my skull giving me headaches. I have also been looking into places where I can share my story because I know there are people out there who feel like I do sometimes...trapped. I know that my life is not unlike others I have a great marriage but there are times I wonder if staying single would have been a better choice. If I had never gotten married then I would not have the three great kids I have. If I had let all the things my parents did to me when I was a kid really get to me then I would not be helping them now that they are older as well as disabled. I am a sister of two brothers, one who is more a best friend then a brother who lives in California. He and I try to talk on a daily to weekly basis just to catch up. My youngest brother and I are at odds because I believe that he should be there more to help me with my parents because I have just as much responsibilities has he does ( that is another conversation for another day.) I hope that if you take the time to read my blog that maybe you can understand me or mine a bit as I trudge through the valley of my life to see the outcome of my decisions and the others around me.